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The Girl

Clare' aka Clarice (欣阳)
` ChongFu Pri Sch
` Canberra Sec Sch
` 1e4'o5 <3
` 2e4'o6 <3
` 3e1'o7
` 4e1'o8
` Scorpio
` Female(Of course)
` Fan Tong xD
` "Mother" of 4 "adopted" daughters =X
` NPCC Cadet
` NPCC Senior NCO
` Just me :)

God ♥♥♥
Animals =3
The Verdict

<2nd Blog
<Canberra NPCC Blog
<FAITHangelx website
<YJC CTG 111
Chin Chang
HuiYing(Group 3 ATC)
Ian Wong (Aplha)
Peng Hui
|| ShaWn ||
Thamhin[blog 1]
Thamhin[blog 2]


Layout ©

ME. kynzgerl
CODES. manikka
The 2 paper heart: moargh.de
Monday, July 30, 2007

guess wad.
we(NPCC cadets) wld not be wearing the ceremonial uniform during ndp =/
after some of us knew(currently only 7 -or more-of us noe abt it. ok after reading this i guess the whole world noes it alreadi -.-),
we totally lost the mood to carry on attending the ndp rehersals/training. -.-
Reezal predicted tt once the rest noe tt they r not gonna wear the uniform tt they dreamt of wearing, they wld slack.
he said tt wif alot of confidence lols.
i kinda agree though =/
it is kinda discouraging tt we r not gonna wear tt really cool uniform.
but hey,
coz the MP isnt gonna come on tt day,
we cant wear it as we aint gonna wear it for anyone special -.-
Guest of honour wld be Mr Tan Keng Joo (our principal). [tt was wad i heard]
lol first thing i tot of when i heard tt we were not wearing the uniform, regret.
it is like we r getting 'tortured' and working so 'hard' for just one ndp wif no significance(besides celebrating the day when sg gain its independence) at all -.-
even i myself felt superbly depressed.
might as well use the baton and be the supporting contingent =.=
but well, look at the bright side.
at least we wld kinda improve in our drills i guess? o.O
and oso we shld be satisfied tt we got to be the GOH.
argh wad am i toking abt.
all of us looked forward to bein the GOH becoz we TOT we cld wear the realli smart white uniform and march out as if we were like the best or somethin, well being the limelight on tt day.
it seems like everything has gone to waste -.-
lets see...
wad r the advantages of being the GOH left...
onli advantage i can tink of so far is tt we get to be in the centre of attention.
2nd advantage..
lets see.. o.O
cant tink of any at the moment.
we cant just giv up just becoz we r not gonna wear the uniform.
we still have to try to kip up to the standard of NPCC i guess =/
there will be some other opportunities.
its just tt we have to be a little patient.
we cant let things like this stop us frm being hu we realli are, NPCC cadets.
aint gonna let this pull us down somehow.
aint gonna let tt happen.
lets just get this over with.
and start afresh and treat this as a little lesson learnt.
a thing like this shall not cause us to fall!
it isnt gonna be easy but we shld at least try.
so now im looking at the bright side -.-
lol there is like a mini devil and a mini angel inside of me. -.-
both fighting over things like this. =x
Just Jy NPCC!
argh someone pls smack me =.=
im like a robot which is gonna break down soon.
focus zz.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

quite satisfied wif my NAPFA results. =/
NAPFA results:

sit and reach : 38.5 cm C [heng -.- fortunately i passed by 0.5cm]
inclined pull-up: 32 A
Standing broad Jump: 190/208-not written on paper- A
Shuttle Run: 11.01 sec A
Sit Ups: 34 A
2.4 km run: 12min 32 sec. A

Note: The second(actually 3rd) result for the standing broad jump was not written on the paper becoz at tt time i was just playing around and i happen to get 206 -.-
and i passed up my paper liaos. =/

sit and reach has always been my weakness.
im not flexible lols.
tt Pamela siao der lor.
can stretch until 53.5cm O.O
great job everyone ^^
i got a silver for my NAPFA when i was p6 due to the fact tt i scored a D for sit and reach and the rest As -.-''
and i didnt get to retake.
sad hor =/
drowsyyyyyyyy lalalallala [medicine]
im not supposed to go to sch tmr but i didnt wanna take the MC coz i wanted to go for NPCC =x
hope i dun have to wake up early in the morn just to cough -.-
quite sad la.
im deprived from food.
there is like almost nth in the canteen tt is suitable for me to eat. -.-
and if there were,
those kind of food wld be tasteless.
might as well starve myself lol.
so far onli meals i ate were chicken rice and tt errrr noodle soup thingy.
ipoh hor fun if im not wrong lols.
so plain -.-
better recover fast =/
i wanna eat all my fav food again T-T
But hey, be optimistic Clarice
at least ure kinda gonna lose weight b4 ur second feast. -.-
dun wry la.
i aint gonna eat myself to death.
its kinda hard to resist the temptation though =/
lol. self-training -.-
the battle between me and temptation.
hu will win? lol.
We shall find out.
-Ding Ding Ding-
Let the battle begin!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

here are some of the recent pics which i took wif my hp. :

somethin i drew out of boredom. 23/7

tt big space in between the trees =/

it is obvious to noe tt this tree was not the only victim

another somethin which i drew while i was bored. 23/7

and i tot doctors were there to save lives

Sunday, July 22, 2007

im getting bored by the sec zzz.
just finally went to cut my hair after duno how long lols.
so now its like so short ._.
well firstly, i dun intend to cut my hair for the next few mths. -save $$-
secondly, its easier to care for my hair since its short =x
i oso duno how but,
ive got cough -.-
maybe janice spread the disease to me derhs =x
always cough and cough.
moreover shes just siting beside me lols.
ok laaaa
not entirely her fault.
ever since i came bak frm Beijing,
my respiratory system hasnt been in gd condition.
the air quality there hoor...
not say very gd larhs lol.
For the first time,
i didnt enjoy this overseas trip lol.
usually i wld be dying to go overseas but for this case, its kinda sad to say tt i realli didnt enjoy myself much lols.
we wld always stay up late at night to play some card games like murderer and stuff, and and share little secrets or some things like wad kind of guy/lady u wld wanna marry nxt time and wadever crap(hey, we were bored lol. note: it was shared among the whole grp. including teachers -.- so any secrets tt were leaked out of our mouths, u shld noe hu to ask. but im sure they wun tell waahahhaa)
wa y suddenly can tok until beijing there -.-.
feeling kinda nervous + frightened noeing tt tmr there is an actual SPA.
as in, included in O lvls -.-
and i haven even master the mole concept.
rawr -.-
zzz im out of things to say.
someone pls gimme chocolate so tt i can type in so much more things wif all the caffeine in me.
warning: giv me chocolate and u can say byebye to ur life =x
im just kidding -.-
ahh nvm.
i'll just end here -.-'''

Friday, July 20, 2007

today was kinda errrr...not a very gd day?
well for some ppl i guess =/
just typed this post specially for Valentino.
coz some other ppl and me feel worried for him.
"dun let these kind of things change u frm bein hu u actually are.
nth is perfect in this world and there wld of course be setbacks now and then.
all of us experiences this setbacks. but we shall not let these setbacks cause us to giv up and be a failure for life.
all those things tt were 'destroyed' at tt moment probably meant alot to u.
since those things are 'destroyed', try to fix them .
if they still continue to 'kill' all those things tt u worked hard for,
continue to fix and solve the problem.
dun just go fight wif them or wad just becoz those things got 'broken'.
its not worth ur time.
dun let the whole situation turn u into a monster.
sooner or later those ppl hu keep spoiling ur mood or wad will get wad they deserve.
let them say wad they wan.
they r doin useless things which r not productive or useful at all.
but u arent.
Dun let those ppl prevent u frm doin wad is right.
dun let such things make u blind.
ure a strong boy and im sure u wld continue to be stronger as the days pass by.
u WILL not let these obstacles get into ur way.
u WILL continue to be a nice and tolerant guy as u have always been.
failures wld always be there to pull u down.
it just depends on whether u r willing to get up frm where u fell and continue to build up ur strength to be a stronger and respected person."

now...for wad happened today.
quite disappointed in the sec 1s.
there were some improvements.
but still it aint enuff to be one of the supporting contingent.
nevertheless ,im not gonna giv up hope on them!
they WILL live up to the standard which NPCC is renown for.
well some day lol.
for now they still have lots of work to do.
reminds me of me and my squad when we were sec 1s =x.
NCOs shouting here and there.
punishments given over and over again.
our standard was still high then.
but over the years the standard have dropped i guess.
well due to the ''students' welfare'' policy lol.
guess everything has its advantages and disadvantages =/
this hope of ours shall not perish as long as our unit survives!
ok im getting lamer and lamer.
brain dmggggg
wooo. lol
gimme chocolate and u can see me jumping up and down like a person hu is a PR in woodbridge.
speaking abt chocolate, my grp and i are currently researching on 'why chocolate is so addictive?'
its a bio project.
dun ask =x
and i tink i wld be the perfect guinea pig -.-
ohoh and and my class was shocked by the amt of hw tt was seen written on the board.
i was shocked myself -.-
i still owe mr ng duno how many A-maths hw! rawr!
have to chiong everything this weekend.
A-maths hoorrrrrr...i wld have problems doin it =x=x
i dun even noe wad im doin zzz.
sometimes i anyhow do oso correct lol.
but 85% of the time i realli dun even noe wad im doin -.-
well i better start doin my work now.
b4 teachers start coming after my neck. =/

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

pass few days have been quite stressful for me i guess.
i cant think straight, i have little control over my emotions and, for some reason, i cant remember stuff well even though i wrote everything down onto a notebook. zzz
bro have not been feeling well lately.
just as he finally 'wakes' up frm his LONNNGGGG slp, wif all his passes(exams) and all tt, an illness struck him lol.
like a fever or wad.
maybe coz he didnt slp enuff or somethin.
no slp = there goes ur immune system lol.
tmr me and some other students (including momo) wld be bringing some China students around canberra and such.
get to skip class till 9.40am.
kinda bad actually.
wld miss out alot during lessons though its onli like 2 hrs.zzz.
and its alreadi bad enuff to noe tt i cant understand wad on earth the teachers are talking abt.
headache getting frm bad to worse.
i almost doze off when i was copying the corrections for the chem practical paper.
i oso duno y zzz.
too little slp i guess? =x
me and my sleeping problems -.-
one problem after another lol.
how....suay? -.-
this mth aint my mth at all.
toot toot toot toot.
lol shld take yoga classes (imagine me doin yoga[-shivers-]best not to think abt it)
chem SPA nxt mon.
quite afraid tt i wld screw up during the practical examination -.-
ltr i anyhow do things den suddenly got 'BOOM'!.
there goes my grades.
and my life.
someone entertain me plsss!!! =.=
well at least send someone to help relieve my 'stress'.
ahh wadever. zz
wad on earth am i toking abt.
lol system hang.
wad do ya expect?
it aint any imac lol.
just hope tt i wun screw up(like wad i always do)tmr.

Monday, July 02, 2007

ok here i am, posting after abt..nearly 1 mth?
aiya if SOME ppl didnt push me to post i wldnt =x jkjk
for the past few weeks i haven been posting becoz i didnt noe wad to post abt -.-
boring life during the holidays.
wake up, eat, slp, use com, do hw, den slp.
wads there to post abt? lol
i have been getting irritated by some things tts y im here to post wad i feel so tt i cld clear things up a little.
1st things first, those hu have seen my msn nick recently, u guys shld noe wad im gonna tok abt.
not tt i wanna put tt nick one, its just tt i have been forced to -.-
tts y u see me changing my nick sometimes ,to somethin else besides somethin related to the topic i hate most.(BGR)
but even though i change my nick, SOME ppl(jerks) just continue to annoy me.
i dun wanna mention names ya?
coz i noe jerks have feelings too.
so i TRY to make this as less hurtful as possible.

Whats up wif tt nick man? -.-
how many times have i told u to LET GO.
its been like, nearly...5 years!!
5 years u noe!
sure u say u wanna wait and such.
but pls use ur brain.
wad u have been doin is annoying me.
and when u annoy me, its not gonna be pretty.
it aint any fairytale or drama.
i CAN tolerate wad ure doin and i CURRENTLY AM.
tts y im ignoring every single nick uve been puting.
but unfortunately some nicks i cannot ignore coz these nicks are the ones i have been EMPHASISING on for u NOT to put it.
i dun mind u feeling tt way abt me.
but if ure just putting nicks just to let me noe how u feel,
lemme tell u this.
even if u put a million nicks wif the same intention, the results wld not change at all =.=
it seriously irritates and hurts me to see tt im ACTUALLY hurting someone without doin anything =.=
sure u wanna get me bak, but pls tink abt wad u have DONE to accomplish this =.=
1. u LIED to me.
and tt causes me to start avoiding u.
how can i trust u to even BE my fren if u LIED to me.
sure ,i blocked ur old msn acc after quarreling wif u.
i onli intended to block u for a short while BUT wad did u do?
u put ur nick like ure not gona come on9 anymore and its the end of the world for u in ur old msn acc.
and after tt?
u made a NEW msn acc and added me.
looking at the email and nick i alreadi KNEW its u.
im alreadi kind enuff to accept u into my list but wad did u do?
u lied to me by saying ure LUCY =.=
by doin tt ure actually telling me tt im so STUPID and SENILE tt i wld start buying ur stories. =.=
have u even tot abt how i FELT for the past few mths and yrs u have been doin this? =.=
u tink ure the onli one getting hurt?
tink again.
i said tt i wldnt giv u chance to do so(u noe wad i mean).
tt is becoz i do not wan BOTH of us or ANYONE involved to be emotionally HURT.
i told u to use ur brain.
tts becoz i wan u to THINK abt wad u have been DOING and THINK abt how OTHERS wld feel =.=
2. Even though i did wad i can to heal the wound, u wanted to make it BIGGER.
im not the one being heartless here.
i AM tinking abt how others wld feel.
i HAVE been cautious on wad i have been doin.
but no matter how HARD i try, u start appearing somewhere to make the situation worser and worser.
Dont u noe tt wad i have been doin, caused me my reputation?
so now ppl tink tt im another maniac hu LOOVVEEESSSS to banish ppl into oblivion or or a person hu LOVVEESS to put ppl down or wadever they tink abt me.-.-
i didnt care abt how others wld tink abt me as long as i solved this problem, as long as i mended the hearts of those hu were hurt.
i noe wad i have been doin hurt urs as well.
u tink i want to do tt?
if ure telling me tt in order to mend ur heart, i have to BE wif u, den lemme tell u this.
i wld rather leave URS broken den to continue breaking others' for the sake of urs.
i noe wad i have done in the past have caused all these to happen.
but pls bear this in mind, we were ONLY 10 yrs old.
i didnt noe wad i was doin.
i noe very clearly y i even wrote the letter to u.
its just becoz i was INFLUENCED by the rest.
Sure,i admit tt at tt time i DID have feelings for u.
but its all in the past now.
and its time to let go.
So here i am tellin u to LET GO.
dun say tt i didnt tell u to.
i do not want this trivial problem to become a major one.
I have said wad i wanted to say.
i noe, some were hurtful.
and even after i post this, im sure ppl(especially guys) will tink tt they wld receive this kind of post if i didnt have feelings for them anymore(if i WAS wif them).
wadever they tink, i do not care.
this post has just caused the number of ppl respecting me for hu i am, to decrease.
but im willing to let all tt happen just to clear this up.
i have sacrificed alot alreadi but still, i do not find it sufficient.
wad abt u?
when wld it be ur turn to sacrifice the things tt u love most, for the sake of others?

ps. : i tried to make this as less hurtful as possible but sry.
i just cant help myself.
everythin just started to appear itself.
i alreadi resisted the temptation to post some things which i noe i shldnt.
but this is the furthest i cld go.